Arc Agency, NV provides quality professional services to visitors and residents of Statia. Get directions to our office on Google Maps where you can also find 360° photos of our rental apartments and casino.

To contact us, send an email to:

See below for more information about our services.

RS Cuvalay Slot Mania Casino

Drop in for a wonderful experience in the relaxing atmosphere at our Slot Mania Casino. We are open Friday and Saturday from 4pm to 2am and Sunday through Thursday from 4pm to midnight.

Casino Photo Gallery


Arc Vehicle Rentals

You can rent an SUV or truck at Arc Agency. It is just a short walk from the airport. Vehicles are always clean and well-maintained.


Arc Rental Apartments

Arc Agency NV owns 3 apartments near the airport that are especially convenient for business travelers.

Each apartment has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, full kitchen, living room, air-conditioning, outdoor balcony, and large screen TV with an extra monitor for personal computer use.


Arc Courier Services

Arc Agency NV is the UPS courier agent on Statia. Packages are taken daily Monday through Friday at 10am to be flown to St. Maarten.


Nagico Insurance

Arc Agency NV provides Nagico Insurance on Statia. This includes vehicle and property insurance for both personal and business applications.

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